The Daily Chronicle with Spitch.

Welcome! Unlike any other blog, The Daily Chronicle is our sacred space where we will interact about things that matter to you and I. Daily or weekly I will post features some from my soon coming book and others inspired by experiences and lessons along the way. I hope you enjoy this love letter delivered to you specially from my heart.

Monday, 12 August 2013

I've Heard Enough!

  • I AM SICK AND TIRED: That's it!!! I have bore enough of these absurd "Because of Apartheid I can NOT" conversations by my fellow black associates. It ticks me off to think that in our soon to be a whooping 20-years walk into democracy there are still civil citizens who blame every error of our society on the legacy left by apartheid. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I acknowledge the obnoxious history of black... oppression in our country and yes, it was just wicked and coldblooded of the then white government.
  • BUT... we can not blame every sock and tin, every downfall and shortcoming every sin and disgrace of the present on the past. I consider myself a born free, even though technically I might be disapproved.
  • WHY? because I do not remember in my life being in an environment where I was alienated, discriminated or violated due to the colour of my skin. I was allowed to engage with other races without fear of being terrorised. It was all up to me. Now its 2013 and a fellow black brother still struggles to set himself free from the binding chains of the past.
  • Whenever government is cornered to account for their short-comings, they act as victims and accuse dear apartheid. Daily I am exposed to situations where a black child gives in to the domination of a colour-bar and slavery mentality. They reason, see, learn, practise everything based on race and white dominance.
  • DON'T GET ME WRONG AGAIN, I am all for taking pride in being black but the minute you start blaming other races for your lowliness then I start to question your state of liberty. You probably think I am ignorant by now, but I think this race war has gone too far. Freedom begins in the mind, and as long as one's mind remains captive in the sins of the past, then they will never see the light of a true 'Rainbow Nation'.
  • Unless you were gunned down whilst protesting for equality, unless you were forced to be taught in Afrikaans and compromise your mother tongue, unless you were forcefully located in a homeland and abolished from a surbubian land, unless you were once arrested for forgetting your 'dompas' violated and left in pieces, unless that, then I can atleast tollerate your venting with hope that you will let go.
  • I atleast understand when my mothers and fathers refuse to be associated with white people because of the erra they lived in. I understand.
  • But as for a 'breaking of dawn' baby like me who still squawks about white supremacy and how less priviledged they are because of being black, think again.
  • Truth is, I will always be Black, Louiie will always be White, Shaun will always be Coloured and Shante will always be Indian, thats just who we are, but to blemish an excellent opportunity of showing the generations before us that we are just one blood is foolish.
  • Because of our unresolved issues and inferiorities with the white race, we will forever be held captive in small cave prisons and guess what, the perpetrators will be our own selves.
  • Dont you think we have debated enough? Don't you think we have blamed enough? Don't you think?
  • Think of how productive and selfless we can become when we acknowledge the colour of our skin but not base our judgement and actions on it.
  • Think of how liberated one would be if they'd learn from the other without reffering to the sins of their forefathers.
  • Think of how it would benefit the generations after us.
  • I am not justifying the injustices of the past here, but I am defending the legacy of the future.
  • For a minute, just take away your white hatred and think about this. There is just sooo much a liberated mind can do. But a prisoned mind will always find it just to point a finger so they can feel better.I AM TIRED!
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